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What Do I Know About Working At Home?

Find Out About Me Here…

Picture of DianneTo me, there is no greater work challenge than planning a new business and putting that plan into action.

The best part, of course, is being in control of the process.

That’s the great thing about working at home for me.

Yes, there’s the money that makes it possible not to go out to work, but more than that there’s the freedom that working from home will give you.

The thought of working at home first occurred to me about the same time my son was born quite a while ago.

Until then, I had been working in an office, but from the moment I first held my son, I knew I didn’t want to leave him. I wanted to raise him myself.

To do that, I needed to find another way to make money.

So, I began to investigate the different options. In those days, working at home was almost unheard of, but I did manage to make it work by piecing together many different projects.

Today, that’s called Multiple Streams of Income!

I edited and indexed a new book (without indexing software!). I supported several different offices by taking their overflow work and doing it at home. For a time, I transcribed cassette tapes filled with legal depositions.

In the beginning, this work was all done on an old typewriter if you can believe that. There were no computers at that time.

As time went by, I began to build a clientele and, by the time my daughter was born, I had built a thriving business and was making enough money to really make a contribution to our budget.

This business eventually morphed into a resume preparation service by the mid-1990s.

The money I was making wasn’t bad, but both of my children were now in school, so I began to think about creating a business with a larger scope.

I wanted a new challenge, so I began to look at franchises, business opportunities and, finally, online businesses.

I had mixed results as I learned my way around … much of which I’ll share with you on this website.

In some cases I made money, but often I found out that I should be very cautious of the promises that I was hearing.

I lost money, too, and I will also share with you many of those lessons that I learned the hard way.

But the reward for me has always been the time and flexibility that I’ve had to give my family and myself.

My mother used to tell me that it is very important to be there when your children get home from school because they only tell their stories once. After that, it’s old news.

That is so true … and by being there I was able to hear all of the stories.

And I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

One of the most important lessons that I learned while creating my “work at home” life is that it is definitely what you make of it.

Like any business, there will be frustrations and there will be successes.

But it is not “get rick quick.” It is hard work and if you’re willing to do the work and are persistent, you will be successful.

When I was growing up, my brother had a sign on his bedroom door that said “Never say die!”

That is the persistence that is necessary to be successful. Just don’t lose sight of your goals. Then you’ll be fine.

So now I invite you to come along with me and learn how to build your own “work at home” life.

It can be done and it will be well worth the effort.
